COVID-19 outbreak is the disease caused by a new type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Similar to the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the MERS outbreak in 2012, COVID-19 (often referred to as coronavirus) is a contagious respiratory illness that can spread from person to person.1 Older adults and immunocompromised people are at a higher risk of getting very sick. Severe complications from this virus include pneumonia, organ failure, and even death.2
Cities all over the world are fighting the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, including Seattle. The city and the state of Washington have implemented a series of ongoing safety measures to help stop the spread of this dangerous disease. At our Seattle moving company, Established Moving & Storage, we aim to serve the community in any way we can, and that includes keeping our customers informed. If you live anywhere in the Seattle metro area or in the state of Washington, our Seattle local movers have found the answers to the most common Seattle coronavirus frequently asked questions.
How Many Cases of COVID-19 Have Been Reported in Seattle?
As of March 16, there is a reported total of 769 cases of coronavirus in Washington state with the majority of cases being reported in King County, where 420 people have fallen ill with the disease. There are currently 42 deaths caused by COVID-19 statewide.3 These numbers are expected to rise. According to Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at the Seattle-based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, an estimated 20,000 Americans may be infected with the new coronavirus, 10 times more than the confirmed cases being reported.4
Is Seattle and/or Washington State on Lock Down?
As of now, both Seattle and Washington state are not on lockdown. On March 16, Governor Jay Inslee announced a statewide shutdown of restaurants, bars, and other entertainment and recreational facilities including gyms and movie theaters. Restaurants are still allowed to offer take-out and delivery. Grocery stores and pharmacies will not be affected by the shutdown. The governor also announced a 50-people limit for large gatherings. King County Executive Dow Constantine issued a similar order that will last two weeks in King County and may be extended.
“These are very difficult decisions, but hours count here and very strong measures are necessary to slow the spread of the virus. I know there will be significant economic impacts to all our communities and we are looking at steps to help address those challenges.” – Governor Jay Inslee5
What Are the Best Ways to Protect Myself from Coronavirus?
Social distancing by staying in your home and limiting your contact with other people, especially crowds, is one of the best ways to prevent getting infected and spreading coronavirus. Another thing you can do is to avoid touching your face and wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol. King County Executive Dow Constantine recently summed up some very helpful advice on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
“It is time, right now, for people to assume that they and everyone they meet is infected, to avoid any unnecessary interactions that might lead to further infection, and to wait and monitor to see if they have, in fact, been infected so that they can isolate and recover without presenting a risk to others. Go to work if you must. But hunker down if you are able. Postpone anything you can. Treat the next two weeks as a period of self-quarantine, to protect yourself and the lives and health of your loved ones and the entire community.” – King County Executive Dow Constantine6
- Shawn Radcliffe, Healthline – Here’s What Happens to the Body After Contracting the Coronavirus
- Seattle Times Staff – LIVE Coronavirus daily news updates, March 16: What to know today about COVID-19 in the Seattle area, Washington state, and the nation
- Sandi Doughton, The Seattle Times – Seattle expert estimates 20,000 novel coronavirus infections in the U.S. now
- KIRO 7 News Staff – Coronavirus: Gov. Inslee orders statewide shutdown of restaurants, bars; further limits gatherings
- King County – Executive Constantine and King County Health Officer announce new orders to limit spread of COVID-19